On Friday we had 25 cars and 14 passengers for The Lost Coast Fun Run, including 3 new (to GGR) drivers. Welcome Keaton Anderson, Fred Stour and Peter Walter!
Staring in Mill Valley, we took Hwy 1 through Pt. Reyes, Bodega Bay, Jenner, Gualala and Mendocino, ending at the Historic Benbow Inn in Garberville, where we had preferred Porsche Parking.

Our lunch stop was at Pacific Star Winery, on the wild Mendocino Coast. It was a beautiful day and a fantastic view.

On Saturday we drove through the Ancient Redwoods, stopping for a short hike to see the oldest Redwood on earth.

Then we literally drove through a Redwood:

Everyone made is safely through, and we gathered for some yummy cookies and brownies compliments of Sarah.
After the Redwoods, we headed to Shelter Cove for lunch, then to Heather’s home near the Benbow Inn for a super fun BDay party (for me) which you may remember from a previous blog, is also PCA’s BDay!

On Sunday a few of us drove Hwy 1 to Mendocino for lunch, then took 128 East to 101 to head home. We had very little traffic and enjoyed the twisties on a beautiful Sunday drive.
Special thanks to our amazing volunteers – Lead drivers Soah Hsu and Kurt Kruger, Sweeps Georgia Athanasiou, Jamal Boudi and Subby Ghosh, and Serena Chang and her father Michael for being our Safety Car. Also, thank you to Kurt Kruger and Heather Kornberg for organizing this adventure. We think it may be an annual event based on the comments we received