Porsche Club of America – Golden Gate Region (GGR) offers three distinct types of racetrack events:
- High Performance Driver Education (HPDE)
- Time Trials (TT)
- Club Racing (CR)
We strive to give each participant the chance to get in touch with the high performance side of their car. We emphasize safety and fun. Attending a GGR Track day also provides access to view both the Time Trial and Club Race activities (practice, qualifying, race).
And check out all the Track blog posts!
High Performance Driver Education (HPDE) provides you the opportunity to practice high speed driving with your Porsche in a controlled track environment. Our instruction program is one of the best of any club on the West Coast. Many people may also refer to a DE as a “Track Day”. Though there are no pre-requisites per-se to join a DE event, you will need to get your car teched by your mechanic and ride with one of our instructors on your first time out until you are signed off to “Solo” or drive without an instructor. We have several “run groups” so we’ll place you and you car into the class that best suits your current speed and skill level. We do allow non-Porsche cars at our events, but Porsche registrations are given priority during the signup phase.

Time Trials (TT) let you evaluate your performance against the clock, with the track effectively all to yourself. With every passing weekend, you can measure your personal improvements. After a long break, TT was brought back for 2023. We will utilize the last 2 hours of each Sunday event to bring this event back to GGR track portfolio!
Time Trial Results and Club Lap Records
Time Trial Rules 2023
Club Racing (CR) is wheel-to-wheel racing for any type of Porsche car. The racing is fun, safe, and clean. It is managed under the guidance and rules of PCA National.

If you would like to request a permanent number, here is a listing of the current assignments: GGR Permanent Car Numbers. Email track@pca-ggr.org to request a permanent number assignment.
- PCA-GGR HPDE and AX Rulebook 2019
- PCA-GGR Tech Form 2024
- PCA-GGR Flags
- Guest Driver Program / Student Waiver
- On-Track Videos from some of our regular drivers: