Dear GGR Members,
Besides all of you reading The Nugget every month, there is another PCA publication called Panorama that we also read once in a while. And within Panorama, you often see ads for these car raffles. Year after year, you see different amazing Porsches being raffled off. I’m certain many of you have bought a few of those raffle tickets, I have definitely bought a few in the past. However after you send off your money, you don’t really hear much back afterwards, and eventually the raffle fades away from memory. Occasionally I wonder who the heck wins these raffle cars anyway? Is it a scam? Are the family members of the raffle organizer all driving brand new Porsches every year?
So let me stop this conspiracy line of thinking, the truth is, the raffle is as simple and straightforward as it gets. I know this because I had the recent pleasure to inform one of our GGR members they had won the 2nd Grand Prize. Our very own Larry Castro (big grin below) had the difficult choice of picking either a 2024 Boxster or Cayman Style Edition, plus $25,000 in cash.

When I called Larry, it obviously went to voicemail, who picks up phone calls from unknown numbers anymore? But after my vague message about PCA-bla bla bla, I gave him just enough information that he called me back later that day. After some pleasantries, I dropped the great news on him. Larry was totally floored, I think he kept asking “are you serious?”. I wish I had this recorded on a video conference, his reaction was just so wonderful. But he had a big decision to make – Boxster or Cayman? These are first world big decisions! So I left him alone for a few days to process this fortuitous circumstance. A few days later, Larry had made a decision:
2024 Boxster Style Edition!

Congratulations Larry on the car and thank you for giving us our doubting hearts the reassurance that any member that participates in the PCA Raffle has a real chance of winning.
Until next month,
Howard Yao
PCA-GGR President