18 cars braved the weather to join in our first FunRun of the year. We had 4 new drivers, including Pall Kornmayer, a photographer who share some great photos of the day, including this one. After a wet and sometimes slippery ride, we enjoyed some social time at a pub in Sonoma where we tried not to embarrass ourselves too much at the pool table.
None of the events we do would happen without a concerted, joint effort by our wonderful members, and I’d like to share, recognize and comment on how the motoring group utilizes all of our resources and relationships. Without a cadre of volunteers, creative software engineers, friends in other regions ( Redwood & Sacramento Valley ) we would not be able to pull off our diverse and fun outings at the quality we do. A case in point, Feb 20th I was able to join a SVR Region workshop on ” Touring ” 2024 basic’s hosted by long term Redwood Region member Rick Duste now in Sacraramento Region. Rick’s rich history of Tour organizing, PCA National procedures and some great Do’s & Don’ts can only help our Tours continuously improve. For those interested, reach out and I’ll forward his presentation. Also by joining in another regions events and learning sessions, It really reinforces how fortunate we are to have the depth of active volunteers here.
Every Scheduled Run on the calendar must have a Pre-Run. This is usually scheduled on a weekend ( some of us are still in the working world ) prior to the Scheduled event. It is a mandatory meeting for all Leads. Sweeps are optional. We try and depart the same times as the eventual event. Yet we take our time to assess route conditions ( and alternates routes if needed ). Potential bio break/ rest stops, and possible venues at tour termination points. Safety and a fun experience is the main goal.
A recent example proved the old adage ” luck over skill ” anytime. On our Pre-Run for the St. Paddy’s Drive we had a fun drive, checked out some amazing Porsche’s at Alice’s, and confirmed our Bio Breaks and lunch stop, and found a spot for a great Photo Op. Many thanks to Jamal Boudi, Kurt Kruger, Shai Redlich, Subby Ghosh, JB Ellis, Harsh Luthra and Ashod Donikian for driving the route, your suggestions, and camaraderie! On the map it appears a state park on our route had the parking and facilities we need for the mid run Bio Break. We only need about 10 parking spots temporarily, then we’re on our way. Stopping by this location Saturday, a serendipitous meeting with the Ranger in charge confirmed he was not too happy with the number of spots to be taken without payment ( he had limited parking ). Yet, once he learned of our mission’s need, he was quick to direct us to another park ( easily within range ) that once we visited more than met the requirements.

As we’ve come to learn, competent and committed volunteers, utilizing all our knowledge resources and a little luck from time to time continues to deliver challenging and fun outings with many new and legacy friends of Porsche. Looking forward to seeing you on future runs. Please don’t hesitate to reach out at any time with questions and suggestions.
Never Stop Driving!
Cheryl Spott
Motoring Director